The Circumcision Movie

Circumcision is a very controversial issue in the United States, fueled by cultural traditions and emotional debate. For many parents, circumcision seems like the “norm” and they make the decision to circumcise their sons rather automatically. For parents seeking more information, existing media about this topic is often so polarized that they can find plenty of of opinions, but have trouble finding good evidence-based tools.

There are other movies about circumcision out there. This one is different: it’s produced by two nurse-midwives who work with pregnant families every day. It meets the viewer where they are at, respecting that a lot of folks simply haven’t thought much about circumcision…yet.

Blending accurate health information, historical and clinical expertise, personal experiences, statistics, and bioethics, this documentary questions routine male circumcision and promotes an informed decision. Our approach is gentle and non-judgmental, because we understand the power of cultural norms and we do not believe that positive change happens through angry or polarized voices.

(37 minutes)



“The Circumcision Movie clicks on a flashlight to illuminate corners in the cobwebbed attics of thought that go so quietly undisturbed. It was a sensitive, thought provoking piece around a sensitive, thought provoking subject.”

– viewer, father

“The Circumcision Movie manages to provide a relatively balanced view – with relative being the best that one can hope for – of very dicey material. The visuals are beyond perfect. The faces and voices that come across the screen are superb. There could not be a better assembly of a group of interviews: rich in contrasts, balances, and counterbalances.”

– viewer, mother, midwife, and professor

“We appreciated the many sides and voices that were included. One man was really blown away as he had never thought for a second about any of the issues around circumcision before. One (usually) very vocal man was speechless. The film took him into a ton of areas he’d never considered and your diligence and thoroughness really won him over.”

– a men’s group

“Film exploring risks, benefits and cultural aspects of circumcision to be screened in Morgan Park and at UIC”

– The Chicago Tribune (read full article)

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